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来源:整理 时间:2023-06-28 10:32:10 编辑:八论文 手机版



模板:Dear ***,May I have the honor to invite you ***(具体的事)?Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and when you will be able to make it.With warm personal regards.Yours sincerely,***



InvitaionGrand opening of XX Supermarketlocation:NO. 118 luozhou community, fuzhou, fujian Time:FridayR.S.V.P. my phone number : 130555555555
1.升学宴请请帖的内容及格式。 封面上写“请帖”二字,用美术字体或手写体,一般要有图案装饰。抬头顶格写被邀请组织的全体,如邀请的是个人,则应写明其姓名及职衔、称谓。正文要写明邀请的事由,举行的时间、地点及应注意的一些问题。结尾写上礼貌用语。如“love from“,”yours sincerely“落款处署明邀请单位全称或邀请者姓名,以及发出请帖的时间,若是组织出面邀请,还应盖上公章。 2.撰写与使用请帖礼仪。 书写请帖,字迹应工整、漂亮、大方;请帖的内容必须清晰、准确无误,请帖的文字要简洁明快,措辞典雅得体,语气婉转谦和。请帖应提前一周到10天发出,如果请帖发出后又发生始料不及的变化,必须及时在原发请帖范围发取消或改变原定活动的请帖。不发、迟发或泌、漏发,都有失礼貌。 (一)请帖 (二)贺卡 贺卡设计制作要十分精美,画面及词语要构成一种很有品味的精神产品。贺卡可以自己动手制作,自己制作的贺卡更能表达真实情感,因而也更有意义。



very four years athletes from around the world meet and hold a series of competition called the olympics. the games started in 776 bc. back then only men were permitted to play in the games. some of the sports back then were the foot race, wrestling, boxing, chariot races and much more. women did however participate in festivals of their own. the ancient olympic games have lasted for over 12 centuries.the olympiadsan olympiad is a period of four years, the beginning of which is marked by the celebration of the olympic games. the first modern olympiad was celebrated by the 1896 athens games. the next olympic games will be the 28th (xxviii). the next winter olympic games will be held in salt lake city, utah 2002.now, come to beijing during the olympics and enjoy the greatest game in the world!全手写。————————————————————————————请参考并采纳答案!谢谢^_^
Hello,LiLi 。My birthday starting last Monday。I want to you can coming my birthday 。 Anna ,Boddy,Jones, they will come my birthday too 。 My birthday will show in my home 。 We will play games first。 Then we will eat nice food and cakes。 Then we will dance in my birthday 。 We will have a good time in my birthday 。 I hope you can coming my birthday last Monday 。 If you can coming my birthday,we will have a big surprise give you and you will have a good time 。你可以自己修改一下其他内容或者添加一下,虽然不是很规范,但是是独一无二滴,我自己写的,希望不要介意,选我吧!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻!!~~



